Timeless Teaching in a Changing World
Dacula Classical Academy uses a classical approach to teaching and learning. To be educated in any discipline, you must: know its basic principles (grammar), reason clearly about it (logic), and communicate its ideas and apply them effectively (rhetoric). These three stages of learning align with our elementary, middle, and high school classes in both how they are taught and in the expectations we have for students at each level.

Lower Elementary (Grades K-2)
Focuses on the foundations of reading, penmanship, and arithmetic with 1-2 hours of homework on Mondays
Systematic phonics program used to produce fluent readers and competent spellers
Manipulative-based math instruction to teach math concepts
Classical literature read aloud to students by teachers
Focus on proper letter formation for manuscript penmanship
Focus on narration skills
Introduction to Latin with Latin songs
Science: God's creation, Botany, Flying Creatures
History taught chronologically through stories
Art and music instruction

Upper Elementary (Grades 3-5)
Focuses on reading, computation, and composition skills with 3-4 hours of homework on Mondays
Focus on reading comprehension and narration skills
Organization of information and summarizing in composition
Manipulative-based math instruction to teach math concepts
Rich, classical children’s literature used for class discussion and teaching story elements
Beginning formal instruction in Latin
Elementary science courses in human anatomy, astronomy, and general science with simple experiments and projects
Chronological study of history with map activities and projects
Elective classes in art, music, drama, and general interest classes

Middle School
(Grades 6-8)
Focuses on organizing information and understanding the relationships between ideas with 4-5 hours of homework on Mondays
Introduction to literary analysis
Focus on essay writing
Formal instruction in Latin grammar
Pre-algebra and Algebra coursework
General and physical science coursework with simple experiments and projects
Chronological study of world history from ancient history to the modern time period
Elective classes in art, music, drama, and general interest classes

High School
(Grades 9-12)
Focuses on understanding concepts and communicating ideas through speaking as well as creative and expository writing with 4-5 hours of homework on Mondays
Focus on advanced writing skills in both research and essay writing
Focus on advanced literary analysis
Focus on higher level math classes including Geometry, Algebra 2, and Trigonometry
Completion of high school level Latin 1, Latin 2, and Latin 3
Science credit coursework including Biology, Chemistry, Forensics, Human Anatomy and Physiology with laboratory experiments and reports
World and American History with accompanying primary sources
Dual Enrollment college classes for students in 11th-12th grades

Dacula Classical Academy offers elective classes in the areas of fine arts, practical arts, and technical arts on Fridays from 8:45 am – 12:00 p.m. The electives are included in the Academic Program or they can be taken as a stand-alone program for homeschoolers. Students in kindergarten through second grade have a set program of classical studies content and a survey of activities while students in third through twelfth grade may choose two classes from a schedule of class offerings in addition to their assigned classical studies class. Elective classes are scheduled on a rotational basis so that there are a variety of topics, and a new schedule of elective classes is posted prior to each semester. During the first two weeks of the semester, students may change their choice of classes if space permits. After the second week of the semester a student may only drop a class. Elective class offerings are different each semester.